This show is a heartfelt homage to one of the greatest Mexican-American performers of our era. Karla Perez has solidified her reputation as the premier Selena Tribute Artist in both the United States and Mexico over the past nine years, consistently impressing audiences with her talent.
Accompanied by a stellar backup band, Perez and her musicians deliver Selena's music with precision, excellence, and reverence. "Selena The Show" transports viewers back to the early '90s, as Perez treats them to Selena's most beloved hits such as “Como La Flor,” “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom,” “Dreaming of You,” “I Could Fall in Love,” and “Amor Prohibido,” among others. Audiences are invited to sing along and immerse themselves in Selena's timeless music during this lively, high-energy tribute performance.
Jr. Maldonado of Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn, Washington, summed up the sentiment towards Perez's tribute to Selena by remarking, "This is as close to the real Selena as it gets. From start to finish, it's an experience reliving the greatness of Selena."
Carlos Flores, her manager, reveals that Perez chose to specialize in being a Selena tribute artist because of her deep admiration for the singer and the striking similarity between their voices. The concert will showcase around 23 of Selena's most iconic songs. Flores adds, "Karla has a natural gift for captivating audiences. Once they hear her perform, they'll become instant fans."